Dr. Gustavo Cruz Diaz
Assistant Scientist
Morgan M. Giese
Research Intern/Undergraduate Student (Class of 2021)
Dr. Will E. Thompson
Ph.D. Thesis: Tracing Chemical Complexity from the Laboratory to the Cosmos
Postdoc at UC-Berkeley
Dr. Chase P. Schultz
Ph.D. Thesis: Rotational Spectroscopy of Prebiotic Molecules.
Dr. Connor Wright
Ph.D. Thesis: Millimeter/Submillimeter Wavelength Spectroscopy Of Prebiotic Interstellar Molecules With Complex Internal Motion.
Lecturer at Clayton State University
Dr. Hayley A. Bunn
Ph.D. Thesis: Rotational Spectroscopy of Nitrogen and Chlorine Containing Species to Guide Interstellar and Planetary Observations.
Postdoc at Max Planck Institutes
Dr. Katarina Yocum
Ph.D. Thesis: The Development and Application of SubLIME: Sublimation of Laboratory Ices Millimeter/submillimeter Experiment
Postdoc at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Anna Gerosolina
Undergraduate Student (Class of 2021)
Ph.D. student at Boston College
Dr. Kevin Roenitz
Ph.D. Thesis: The Search for Interstellar Organic Ions
Etch Engineer at Intel Corporation
Dr. Jay (Alec) Kroll
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Lecturer at University of Colorado Boulder
Carson Powers
Masters Thesis: An Investigation of Methanol Photolysis Branching Ratios and Their Implications for Chemistry in the Interstellar Medium
Knowledge Management Specialist at Solvay Specialty Polymers USA, LLC
Dr. Houston Smith
Undergraduate Thesis: The Study of Interstellar Ice Analogues
Ph.D. student at University of Wisconsin-Madison
Ayanna Jones
Ph.D. Student at Emory University
Ethan Todd
Undergraduate Student
Chris Schwaiger
Undergraduate Student
Nathan Harper
Undergraduate Student
Leslie Mora
Undergraduate Student
Samuel Zinga
Undergraduate Student
Dr. Luyao Zou
Ph.D. Thesis: Astrochemistry in Star-forming Regions: Laboratory Millimeter–Submillimeter Spectroscopy and Broadband Astronomical Line Surveys
Junior Professor at École d’Ingénieurs du Littoral-Côte-d’Opale
Dr. Brian Hays
Ph.D. Thesis: Rotational Spectroscopy of O(1D) Insertion Products
Researcher at CNRS Laboratiore PhLAM – UMR 8523
A.J. Mesko
Masters Thesis: Icy Grain Chemistry and Chiral Molecules in the Interstellar Medium
Morgan McCabe
Masters Thesis: Understanding Interstellar Chemistry: A Look at Methanol Branching Ratios and the Search for Aminomethanol
Thomas Anderson
Masters Thesis: Calculations of Prebiotic Molecules Formed from O(1D) Insertion Reactions
Dr. James P. McMillan
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Dr. Jake Laas
Ph.D. Thesis: Methanol Photodissociation as a Case Study For Probing Complex Interstellar Organic Chemistry
Software Engineer/Project Scientist at Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics
Dr. Brett McGuire
Masters Thesis: High Resolution THz Spectroscopy of Astrophysically Relevant Ions
Assistant professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dr. Bridget Alligood DePrince
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Dr. Nadine Wehres
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Dr. Blithe Rocher
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Dr. Shiya Wang
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Dr. Brandon Carroll
Undergraduate Student
Postdoc at The Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
Patrick Lanter
Undergraduate Student
Ian Wagner
Undergraduate Student
Lina Zhang
Undergraduate Student
Lindsay Rhoades
Undergraduate Student
Elena Jordanov
Undergraduate Student
Maxwell Farina
Undergraduate Student
Cate Levey
Undergraduate Student
Anne Carroll
Undergraduate Student
Le Zhong
Undergraduate Student
Mary Radhuber
Undergraduate Student
Jessica Walsh O’Sullivan
Undergraduate Student
Trevor Cross
Undergraduate Student
Althea Roy
Undergraduate Student
Anthony Chirillo
Undergraduate Student
Jim Sanders
Undergraduate Student
Brian Savino
Undergraduate Student